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Arxada site audits 2022 x5 x8 x6 Risk management Environmental, EHS gap plans and process health and safety assessments safety management S&P audits audits Events & incidents While we are working hard to maintain a rigorous and comprehensive H&S culture in our business and at all our sites, incidents can happen. When an incident does occur, we learn from it and put measures in place to prevent it from reoccurring through two specific approaches: . Root cause analysis: Using the definitions of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) for leading and [1] [2] lagging process safety metrics, we request a root cause analysis for every registered Tier 1 and 2 incident. Using root cause analysis, we can understand why an accident occurred and implement measures to prevent it from occurring again. In 2022, we have been working to align this methodology across all our global operations. To broaden the reach and eectiveness of our root cause analysis, the analysis itself, including the cause mapping, is shared with all EHS and site managers during a global monthly call. This allows us to implement our learnings from one incident on a global scale. . Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIF) program: As part of our Safer Together at Arxada program, we implemented a SIF program and integrated this into our corporate H&S processes. As part of this, SIF training was carried out at manufacturing sites globally, and we are commied to thoroughly investigating all registered incidents and examining their potential to cause acute injury or fatalities. By actively engaging our employees and managers in this process, we aim to identify and eliminate any potential sources of serious harm at our operations. [1] Leading metrics are a forward-looking set of metrics that indicate the performance of the key work processes, operating discipline, or protection layers that help prevent potential incidents. Lagging metrics are a retrospective set of metrics based on incidents that meet an established threshold of severity. [2] Tier 1 incidents are described as catastrophic and exceed a defined threshold level, whereas a Tier 2 incident is used to normalize the industry metrics and provide a minimum and upper limit threshold range. Looking forward to 2023 In addition to continuing the roll-out of our Safer Together at Arxada program and auditing new and existing sites in 2023, we plan to integrate wellbeing and mental health more formally into our overall H&S approach. This will be intricately connected to our employee engagement and community involvement eorts. By addressing both physical and mental health, we will create a comprehensive approach to H&S that promotes the overall wellbeing of our workforce.

2022 Sustainability Report | The Power of Science & Sustainability - Page 42 2022 Sustainability Report | The Power of Science & Sustainability Page 41 Page 43