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[1] People pillar disclosures Performance indicator FY22 Framework Workforce health & safety Total Recordable Incident Rate 1.21 SASB RT-CH-320a.1, (TRIR) RT-CH-320a.2 Total Recordable Fatality Rate 0 (TRFR) Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 0.41 (LTIFR) Operational safety, emergency preparedness & response Process Safety Incidents Count 38 SASB RT-CH-540a.1, (PSIC) RT-CH-540a.2 Process Safety Total Incident .98 Rate (PSTIR) Number of transport incidents 0 Diversity & equal opportunity Senior leadership gender GRI 4051 Male 158 77% diversity Female 46 23% Gender diversity Female 934 25% Male 2,866 75% Not declared 0.15% Non-discrimination See our Code of Conduct GRI 4061 Employment Total employees 3,600 GRI 4011, 4012, 4013 New hire gender diversity 157 Hires in 2022 Female 23% Male 53% Not declared 24% Turnover gender diversity The total turnover rate for 2022 is 17.25%. We are unable to provide a turnover rate by gender for 2022. Full-time employee beneļ¬ts For US FTEs: Medical Dental Vision

2022 Sustainability Report | The Power of Science & Sustainability - Page 55 2022 Sustainability Report | The Power of Science & Sustainability Page 54 Page 56