Community involvement Engaging with the communities around the sites where we operate allows us to communicate with, learn from, and contribute to our local communities, building positive relationships and having meaningful impact. Our sustainability strategy solidifies our global commitment to create positive impact in our communities. By providing our team members with the opportunity to give back to their communities, we hope to foster a sense of purpose and connection amongst our employees. In 2022, our sites largely organized their own community engagement eorts. For example, our employees in Alpharea (GA, USA) donated time for important community initiatives including the Urban Tree Planting Plan in downtown Atlanta (GA, USA). In Huddersfield (UK), employees coordinated a community food drive in support of local food banks. In Salto (Brazil), we partnered with local schools and municipalities to develop a tree preservation program. The goal of this individualized approach is for each program to personally connect with our employees in a meaningful way, while upliing the communities where we live and operate. To increase our engagement and impact, our goal is to share 46,000 hours of paid volunteer time by 2030. The hours correspond to a day of volunteering every year for 20% of our current employee census. We expect this activity to expand over time as sites and employees detect needs, find ways to contribute and time allotment is increased. The communications department will steer the eorts to build a robust community engagement policy and multiyear plan in 2023, in collaboration with the EHS team and our sites. It will rely on local employee resource groups to start implementing activities that maer to Arxada and to our communities. Looking forward to 2023 In 2023, we will enhance these eorts as we launch our engagement and volunteering program. The program will empower employees to make a meaningful impact through hands on community involvement by volunteering with organizations in our respective communities where we live and work. The intent is to create and facilitate opportunities to have a meaningful influence in our communities locally, while aligning and supporting our purpose, values and strategy globally.

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