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11/10/2023, 10:53 Data index - Arxada Sustainability Report Performance indicator FY21 FY22 Framework Non-hazardous waste 1,573 t 2,483 t incinerated Non-hazardous waste sent to 8,951 t 7,610 t landfill Location of disposal 100% of waste captured 100% of waste captured is directed to osite is directed to osite disposal. disposal. [1] The scope of this report includes all manufacturing sites with FTE >10 (note, Auckland New Zealand and Trentham Australia manufacturing sites are included even though they have less than 10 FTEs) and Pilot Manufacturing sites with FTE >45. The scope excludes emissions and waste from oces, as emissions and waste from these locations are not material to Arxada’s overall emissions and waste. [2] Our Scope 1 includes fuels (i.e. LPG, Fuel Oil, etc.) direct emission to air from our operations including CO , N O, CH . Arxada does not have emissions from PCF, HFCs and SF . Our Scope 2 emissions are market- 2 2 4 6 based and composed of purchased electricity and steam. * Metrics have been assured by ERM CVS. For more information, please see the “External Assurance Statement” which details the scope, activities and conclusion of their engagement. Preservation pillar disclosures Performance indicator FY22 Framework Safety & environmental stewardship for chemicals % of products containing GHS 77% SASB RT-CH- category 1 and 2 health and 410b.1, RT-CH- environmental hazardous 410b.2 substances % of products containing GHS 100% category 1 and 2 health and environmental hazardous substances with a hazard assessment

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