Sustainability governance Good corporate governance is important for the success of our business. In 2022, we formalized the governance structure for the successful delivery of our sustainability strategy. This included oversight and due diligence at the highest level of the business, establishing the right policies and mechanisms to guide ethical business practices and ensuring adherence to recognized sustainability frameworks and certifications. Our 2022 site certifications and publicly available policies supporting our sustainability eorts are available on our Resources & downloads page. Our board & ELT sustainability responsibility Our board of directors is responsible for overseeing Arxada’s strategy, risk management and corporate reporting. The board is comprised of ten members, including three independent members (two of whom joined our board in January 2022), four members from Bain Capital and three from Cinven. The board does not include members of our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) responsible for the daily management of our business. Forming part of our wider governance and reporting to the board, we have three commiees in place: an audit commiee, a people commiee and a sustainability commiee. In 2022, the sustainability commiee focused on developing our sustainability strategy and associated targets; in 2023, the focus will be on the strategy’s institutionalization and execution. To support our sustainability commiee and progress on our sustainability strategy, we also have a two-person sustainability team which reports to our Chief Technology and Sustainability Ocer. Demonstrating our commitment to driving positive impact, we linked the remuneration of our ELT members to our safety performance. As we were still defining our sustainability strategy in 2022, we included Arxada’s safety performance as part of our short-term incentive program. With our strategy now finalized, in 2023 we will consider how to further integrate sustainability-related metrics into our remuneration and incentive program. Board of directors Our board of directors consists of ten members and is responsible for overseeing Arxada’s strategy, risk management and corporate reporting. The board is also responsible for approving our overall sustainability strategy.

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