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11/10/2023, 10:53 Data index - Arxada Sustainability Report Performance indicator FY21 FY22 Framework [1] [2] Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1* 658,222 tCOe 181,138 tCO e GRI 3051, 3052, 2 2 3055 Scope 2 location-based* 173,871 tCO e 155,514 tCO e 2 2 Scope 2 market-based* 168,216 tCO e 163,052 tCOe 2 2 Base year 2021 Consolidation approach Operational control Operational control Standards, methodologies, GHG Emissions are GHG Emissions are assumptions, and/or defined as Scope 1 and 2 defined as Scope 1 and 2 calculation tools greenhouse gas greenhouse gas emissions of the Group, emissions of the Group, determined in determined in accordance with the accordance with the Scope 1 and 2 guidance Scope 1 and 2 guidance of the GHG Protocol of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. and Reporting Standard. [1] Air quality management NO 75.0 t 68.6 t SASB RT-CH- X 120a.1 SO 3.8 t 3.8 t X VOCs 166.3 t 168.8 t [1] Energy management

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